Time sure flies fast :-)
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
It's already been 6 months when he first came into our life. It just felt like yesterday. Time sure flies fast. Daddy's and Mommy's addiction :-)
Hello Daddy!
Just a note: These 2 pictures below are processed using the unconventional way of portrait, which is HDR and Orton. (and my wife would probably dislike it hehe) :-)
Hmmm Interesting - Using Single RAW HDR
Hooded - with a pinch of Orton Effect
Don't you just love kids... I know I do, as with my wife :-)
Halfway to Middle Earth
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Fellowship of the Ring's journey into Middle Earth. Enuff said :-)
Very extreme exercise if I may say so. Bergelen peluh aku keluar! Terasa slim! Hahaha
Labels: Camera, Flickr, HDR, Hobbies, Outing, Photography, Places
In the spirit of Independence
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Random shots that I took in regards to the 50th Malaysian Independence Day. What does independence really means to you? :-) I know that most people will take the national flag as a reference to the Independence Day, but I just want to be different :-)
So, let's celebrate our 50th Indepence Day - the Malaysian way!
Labels: Camera, HDR, Hobbies, Life, Outing, Photography, Places